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"Schnitztory" is An Augmented reality project that shows the history of the Israeli Schnitzel, the most popular meat meal in Israel, through the 4 most  important points of its evolution. The 3D illustrations and animation are showcased in AR triggered by plates that reflect the specific time in history. The posters are authentic posters from the relevant era and the buildings are a 3D illustrated version of their real life parallels.
Some fun facts about the evolution of schnitzel as one of Israel's most-loved dishes:

Schnitztory: About
Schnitztory: Illustrations

In the 30's - Jewish immigrants who came to Israel from eastern Europe brought schnitzel with them as one of the foods they commonly ate. Schnitzel was introduced to the local population and was served in the "Carlton" restaurant - one of the first restaurants in Israel.

Schnitztory: Welcome
Schnitztory: Illustrations

 In the period of austerity that Israelis experienced in the 50's - beef was very expensive while poultry/chicken was much cheaper, not to mention that more of its parts could be used to make more schnitzels (so more edible food and less waste). That is why in Israel, to this very day – schnitzel is mainly made of chicken meat. At the time, cookbooks also recommended making Schnitzel variants from local products such as chicken, cauliflower, fish and eggplants in order to support the local economy and increase popularity of dishes made from readily available ingredients.

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Schnitztory: Illustrations

As one of the basic elements of the IDF (Israel Defense Forces) diet, schnitzel has increasingly become one of the most popular foods in Israel  since anyone that serves in the army (which is obligatory in Israel) is exposed to the IDF "cuisine". Here's a fun fact:  IDF soldiers consume over 200 tons of Schnitzel a year (!) and according to a survey done in 2018 - officers chose it as their favorite lunch!

Schnitztory: Welcome
Schnitztory: Illustrations

In the 90's schnitzel was so popular that it began to be industrially produced and packaged,  with 3 leading Israeli food manufacturers producing a wide variety of schnitzels, ranging from traditional schnitzel through to vegan and other special dietary versions to accommodate all populations!

In 1973, a local restaurant chain called  "Ayala Kiosk"  began to sell Schnitzel in baguettes, bread and pita bread, making it a popular street food.

As for 2017, Israel is ranked number one in the consumption of chicken (per capita) worldwide. 

Schnitztory: Welcome
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